• Rear Facing

    Keep Kids’ Car Seats Rear-Facing Until Age Two

    Today, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) formally revised their recommendations for child seat use. The new advice includes keeping smaller kids rear-facing until the age of two, and older kids in booster seats until they reach a height of 4'9" (57"). The recommendation to keep kids rear-facing longer comes from research that shows that children are…

  • Ten Basic Rules

    Ten Basic Rules

    According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, motor vehicle crashes are the #1 killer of kids in age groups 1-14.  Safe Kids USA says motor vehicle crashes are the #1 cause of unintentional injury-related death for all children 14 and under. While some crashes are unsurvivable, over 57% of deaths for children 0-15…

  • Choose Car Seat

    How To Choose and Use a Car Seat

    All car seats currently on the market meet the U.S. government's stringent crash- and fire-safety standards, so any car seat you buy new is technically safe. (The same isn't true for secondhand car seats or car seats purchased more than a couple of years ago, which may have been designed to meet outdated standards or…